2007年11月6日 星期二

Onomatopoeic sculptures (轉載)

Artist Atsushi Fukunaga gives shape to Japanese giongo (onomatopoeia) in playful sculptures that have the zing of manga sound-effect graphics gone 3D.
CHUUU: The squeaks of mice below the floor

BIRIBIRIBIRIRIRI: The sound of electricity

The sound of colored pencils breaking

The airplane says “WWRrrOUuuuughh”

2007年10月30日 星期二

UbiComp: Becoming Superhuman

1. Introduction
any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Much of recent technology strives to overcome the limits imposed on humans by physics. We can now communicate across continents nearly instantaneously, using a medium which we cannot directly sense ourselves. We can perform limited actuation at a distance, e,g. with TV remote controls…..

2. Becoming Superhuman
we now discuss some superhuman powers and their relation to UbiComp….
透過遠距離的心靈學、感知、地點、預知,分別切入,用直接的接觸與間接的接觸的物件來相互去討論,也提出了無所不在的控制(ubiquitously control)這方面的說法,當然,使用這種媒材與技術的都是人類,所以在此,也提出了透過UbiComp給予人的方便性以及安全性。

3. Enabling technologies
we now look at enabling technologies for the superhuman abilities above….
在這裡所底提的,相對上敘幾段,是比較技術呈面的,比方可觸知的位元(tangible bits)或者如何給予遠距離的傳動…等,3D的位置定位,也在這裡有稍微的提到。

4. Conclusions
Ubiquitous Computing involves the implementation of indistinguishable-from-magic,
Superhuman capabilities. One way….


2007年10月23日 星期二

